What We Couldn’t Live Without

July 2, 2014 at 2:41 pm  •  Posted in Inspiration, Packing by

Every member of Project Equator has some special thing that they shoved in their bag at the beginning of the trip and later found that it was the most important thing that they brought.


Cliff: ” My camera because I have had so much fun using it.”

Yve: ” My pajamas because I often end up using them as pants.”

Yve and Dad cruising around Ubud...Yve is wearing her PJ bottoms :)

Yve and Dad cruising around Ubud…Yve is wearing her PJ bottoms 🙂


Tuck: “Broccoli!”

Tuck and Broccoli in Santorini, Greece!

Tuck and Broccoli in Santorini, Greece!


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Jones: “My Barbie!” …what else is new? 🙂



Lisa: “My Mophie iPhone charger because my cellphone/camera would have never lasted the entire day on its battery power alone.”


For me, it is my flip-flops which I almost didn’t bring. I am sure you are wondering why I love my flip-flops so much. First of all, I adore the luxury of slipping on a shoe with no need to bend down to tie or adjust the tongue.  Also, they are outrageously comfy so it’s never bad to have the bottom of my foot cushioned by the bed of my rider flip-flops.

But one day in Bali, my left flip-flop suffered from a brutal injury on it’s toe thong, after stubbing it on an uneven side walk crack (let’s just say the sidewalks in Bali need a touch-up.) So, it was a trip back from the Monkey Forest bare footed that day.  I plan to repair them at our local shoe repair up the street on Mercer Island but for now, I had to buy new ones 🙁  I’ve owned those flip flops for 3 years and I’m not ready to lose them to the trip!

Check out my bottom treads!  :)

Check out my bottom treads! 🙂

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One Comment

  1. Vanessa Greaves / August 4, 2014 at 12:25 pm /

    Great post! I loved see what each person in your family would bring, and it’s got me to thinking what one thing I could not live without on a trip around the world (aside from a toothbrush and sunblock and basic clothing, of course.) I think I’d have to have a notebook and a pencil.

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