Water Bom

July 11, 2014 at 8:40 pm  •  Posted in Bali, Inspiration, Partners & Friends, Sports by

We went to Changoo and went to this riley fun water park coled Water Bom thar wer Riley fun tubs and slides.  Me and my family and my consens [cousins] and ryan we all went on the green viper.  Then we got to go on the pithon we all went on the pithon half of the ride was pich dark then the rest of the ride was light.  Wal we wer on the rids kaarina and dad got a foot masige. The rids wer riley FUN.  We also went on the lasey river it wasint that fun but the water was super warm.

This ride was super cool!

This ride was super cool!


This is the whole gang at Water Bom!

This is the whole gang at Water Bom!

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Me, Jones and Hugs on a huge slide!

Me, Jones and Hugs on a huge slide!


Mom with all of us going into the big ride!

Mom with all of us going into the big ride!


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One Comment

  1. Terry Aufranc / September 5, 2014 at 5:44 am /

    Great job Tuck

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