VIDEO TOUR: Our house ln penesttan, ubud, bali

July 3, 2014 at 6:50 pm  •  Posted in architecture, Bali, Inspiration by

We stayed ln our house ln  penesttan, ubud, bali  for for 2 and a half months. it had an awesome pool and cool roof deek but it was super hot because Thekre was No  air conditioning. i dlpnt Llke  all the stalrs  but i did like  the paths around the neilhborhooD.  I also llked golng to Mades house to watch her sew.

Here’s a video tour! 

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  1. Mouni / August 1, 2014 at 9:09 pm /

    Jones is so cute! “Secondary place to sleep… thirdondary… fourthondary… “:)

  2. Cari Johnson / August 2, 2014 at 11:25 am /

    I tried to do the same up-do but I failed. Insert ‘nervous face’! Great post Jones.

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