
March 26, 2014 at 4:44 am  •  Posted in Learnings, trip planning by

As we beebop from country to country, we notice that every location we go to has a different form of transportation that has adapted to that specific location. Places like Barcelona and Florence are just your typical mod cities with taxis,  but beyond those, I can’t really name any other countries that don’t have an irregular mode of transportation.


Greece: The Donkey

Although they fill the marble walkway down to the water with manure, the donkeys are very useful when going up and down steep slopes in Oia, Santorini, Greece!



Portugal: Odd, Small, Fast, Car Like, Trolley

 This small railroad racecar is constantly zinging around the city of Lisbon, and is very useful to commuters.




Morocco: The Camel

It is almost impossible to travel to Morocco and not see a camel, either hoping to make a few bucks posing for a picture, or hauling cargo or people around. You don’t see them as much in the city, but you do see them as you travel into the country.

Me and my camel in the Sahara Desert

Me and my camel in the Sahara Desert



Tanzania: Tuk Tuk, and Dala Dala

 Tanzania, out of all places, has the most creative modes of transportation…so far. The Tuk Tuk is a very small car/motorbike that can hold 1 to 2 people and is widely used by locals. The Dala Dala is a van that is thoughtfully decorated with “hippy” or as far as I could tell, “spiritual” decorations, and whoever has the most decorated van, becomes the one that everyone wants to ride in.  Here is a picture of our Dala Dala.

Marqus in our own personal dala dala we rented to drive us from Arusha to Dar Es Salaam

Marqus in our own personal dala dala we rented to drive us from Arusha to Dar Es Salaam. As you can see, the owner of this particular vehicle is a big fan of Jesus.


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Vietnam: Bike Taxi

 The name pretty much sums it up, it is a bike that has a carriage attached to it. We used this one all the time on our previous excursion to Vietnam.



Myanmar: eBike

I’m not going to say that this was an awesome transportation device for me but eBikes are used everywhere and are ideal in old Bagan.




Thailand: Songthaew and Pickup Truck

 These two vehicles share a commonality that is trucks. The Songtao is a red truck that can fit up to 10 people; the Songthaew was used a lot by the Sharples family for this reason 🙂

IMG_9407 - Version 2


A pickup-truck was used everyday by us in Koh Tao. The pickup-truck that took us to the beach was carrying a large water tank with it, which we’re pretty sure was our sewage.



All these forms of transportation have been very useful and ideal for the particular location. Can’t wait to see what we find in Indonesia 🙂

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  1. Cliff Sharples / March 29, 2014 at 10:53 am /

    My favorite was the bike :-). nice post Otto!! In the US, the new mode of transport for me is Uber-X, where you’re picked up in some guy’s car for less than a regular taxi!

  2. Stephanie Craig (@steffinseattle) / April 4, 2014 at 1:22 pm /

    Cool post! I love transportation and grocery stores. Grocery store post next????!!!

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