Posts Tagged ‘technology’



 •  August 13

This summer i’ve been doing two things, coding and surfing. But I can only surf once a day and only when i’m a Cannon Beach, so usually I end up...

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Call for App & Movie Suggestions!

 •  August 12

Trying to configure an iPad for this trip is a daunting task! What music? What movies? What apps? Music is easy…at least for me…I have been listening...

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My Cool New Camera Bag!!

 •  July 30

Photography has evolved a ton in the last 20 years and there are millions of cool new gadgets and technologies including super sophisticated,...

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97 Days to Go: In Search of a Brand

 •  June 1

A lot of people ask us how we would even begin to go about preparing for a trip this long, with so many kids, and so many destinations. As two...

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