
September 4, 2013 at 7:12 pm  •  Posted in now, surfing, trip planning by

Ever since we bought a house on the coast of Oregon in Cannon Beach, Yve, Wescott, and I have become what you would call surf bums. Ever since my first surf lesson on Mission Beach in San Diego, California, not knowing, surfing became one of favorite sports tied with skiing. So lucky for me on our journey we are going to some of the best surfing destinations in in the world. So it is my job to gather information about each place we’re going to and find the perfect surfing spots. So i did some research and hear’s what I found out:

Surfing Around the World
Countries Hang ten!!! No surfing   Surf review
Florence, Italy  X
Greece  X Clean swell in the winter!
Barcelona  X It looks like it can get really big!
Casablanca, Morocco  X Seems like It’s just a little too big for my taste.
Zanzibar, Tanzania  X Wind and kite surfing looks like the thing to do.
Vietnam  X
Myanmar  X Not sure if were going to the coast.
Thailand  X Looks like awesome surfing. Its not too big.
China  X
Bali  X This is probably going to be our highlight in surfing on the trip!
Australia  X Might be good for spectating because of all the sharks!
Tahiti  X We’ll leave the surfing to the Experts and watch their competitions (:
Easter Island  X Looks like a really sharp reef.

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  1. Terry Aufranc / September 4, 2013 at 7:33 pm /

    Great research Otto. I am relieved to know that I don’t have to bring my board to Zanzibar!

  2. laurakelso / September 5, 2013 at 8:00 pm /

    Hi Otto, I was curious if you’re going to pack your wet suit?
    Also, you should check out our friend’s website, Matt has built some great information related to surfing and vacations, including in Morocco and Australia!

    Hang ten,

  3. Kaarina / September 5, 2013 at 11:14 pm /

    Keep us all posted on your kid- rated surf spots!

  4. Stephanie Craig (@steffinseattle) / September 6, 2013 at 6:19 pm /

    Fun! When we go to Cannon Beach I want to take surf lessons so that when I meat up with you and Bali I can hang ten too. Any fav teachers in Cannon Beach? Let me know. <3

  5. Samuel Attisha / September 19, 2013 at 9:00 pm /

    Awesome, hope u have fun surfing!!!!

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