Snakefruit & Math With Seeds

May 30, 2014 at 4:20 am  •  Posted in Bali, Education, Food by

My mom and dad are epcsest with Snakefruit.  Thav toked about it for months on the trip.  Snakefriut is a fruit that you can only get in boli .  It is a sis of a yoyo and it is the coler brown.   the scin looks like a snake ,  espsheliy it looks like a snakee wen you pele it .  The in side looks like a larg garlic clov. Wen we got to boli mom and dad bot a lot of Snakefruit. Thay ate so many we decided to do math with seeds. Math with seeds is fun because you can lern how to  make eqagins with a “+” and a “-” . I like “+” becus it is ezeer.

This is Jones doing math with seeds :)

This is Jones doing math with seeds 🙂

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Plate of snakefruit.

Plate of snakefruit.


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One Comment

  1. Barbara and Tom Tivnan / June 22, 2014 at 9:47 am /

    Tuck, I have never tasted snakefruit. What does it taste like? I can’t wait to see you walking around Lakeridge so I can ask you questions about your amazing trip.

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