slver clas with carrot and broccoli

July 10, 2014 at 8:12 pm  •  Posted in Art, Bali, fashion, Inspiration by

Tuckie and Ii got to do Our omn slver  clas. We declded to wake carrot  and  broccoli. I got to use a weired typeq of hammer.  Tuckie used a saw and I  got to use a ssaw  too.  We also used flre.  We polished everythlng at the end.  Mlne ls a necklace. Tuckles ls too. Next tlme i do slver, i want to make a mermaid.

Me learning how to cut silver wire.

Me learning how to cut silver wire.


Tuckie learning how to polish silver.

Tuckie learning how to polish silver.


Big Broccoli, Silver Broccoli

Big Broccoli, Silver Broccoli

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Broccoli is done!

Broccoli is done!


Carrot is done!!!  What an awesome day!

Carrot is done!!! What an awesome day!



  1. Carrie George / September 3, 2014 at 9:07 pm /

    OMG – little Carrot and little Broccoli are unbelievably precious! I’ve so enjoyed following big Broccoli and Carrot – and, of course, their owners – this past year. What amazing experiences they’ve had!

  2. Vanessa Greaves / September 4, 2014 at 8:27 am /

    Love it!

  3. Terry Aufranc / September 5, 2014 at 5:47 am /

    You are so talented. How do carrot and broccoli like first grade?

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