Slow Food, Zanzibar-style

December 29, 2013 at 5:17 am  •  Posted in Food, Partners & Friends, Tanzania by

Aside from the abundance of tropical fruit indigenous to the island, there’s never a shortage of fish here on Zanzibar. Lobster, crab, tuna, eel, calamari, octopus,  prawns, you name it. If you want your food fresh with powder white sand beneath your feet, palm trees above your head, and clear blue water melting into the sky than this is the place to be. It’s a very idyllic life to be a beach bum, and though the only requirements is to relax and do nothing it can be quite an exciting way to live. You first might want to befriend an avid fisherman. Ours was Suma and he and his girlfriend had came down from Denmark and on one equatorial hot and humid morning they went out into the water. Our breakfast was later interrupted by enthusiastic voices and lively hands placing a yellow-tail tuna about 15 lbs on the bar counter. Well, I guess we all knew what we were having for dinner that night.

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Suma with his 15 lb. tuna

Suma with his 15 lb. tuna

Some hours later at the dinner table, two big plates of tuna steaks had seated itself in the center, already making us full. It was a slow progression but we finally got it down to about five steaks. With the help of our new friends from Copenhagen we managed to help the movement of local cooking and local food, since there’s no Mc’Donalds on Zanzibar we had to settle for fresh and healthy; slow food.
(There’s an actual movement called slow food, though I’ve never heard of it before)

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  1. Cari Johnson / December 29, 2013 at 7:16 am /

    How fun Yve! Is it super hot there? What did they make with the tuna?

    • Yve / December 31, 2013 at 8:47 am /

      Yeah, it’s super hot and to us big Seattle-ites it’s even more so 😉 but after a few days you get used to it like any other place so it’s all good. We had vegetable curry with the tuna!!

  2. Stephanie Craig (@steffinseattle) / January 5, 2014 at 9:16 pm /

    Sounds tasty! I’m guessing Jones hasn’t found his chicken tenders on Zanzibar then. . .? 🙂

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