
July 28, 2013 at 5:24 pm  •  Posted in trip planning by

So, how many vaccinations does it take to go around the world with 7 people?  The answer….over 40!

We consulted the travel doctor, reviewed detailed maps of all the countries we are visiting and we figured out what we needed.  On Thursday last week, we visited the travel clinic at Rite-Aid in Bellevue.  What an awesome place!  Ash and her team there are terrific! …4 hours and 20 shots later, we were done with ROUND #1 of shots…only 3 more visits to be complete…YIKES!  ….mind you, this is all AFTER we have already visited our primary care physicians to ensure that we are up to date with everything else!

photo (16) photo (17)

What are we getting?  We opted for:



Hepatitis A & B Series (3 shot series)

Polio Boosters for Cliff and me

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Japanese Encephalitis

Yellow Fever

photo (18) photo (19)

Some people choose not to do Rabies but we decided that with the number of wild dogs running around Indonesia and Africa it is a good idea.  We have been talking to the kids about how they just have to pretend they don’t like dogs on this trip.  Dogs in some countries are not like dogs in Cannon Beach, OR.  But it will be a challenge not to want to pet cute animals like monkeys and puppies so we decided to play it safe.

In addition to shots, we have a laundry list of other medical supplies/first aid stuff we are dragging along.  See my earlier post on Medical.

Tuck gets the award for Mr. Brave, who volunteered to be FIRST for everything to get it over with.  Weighing in at only 35 pounds, he was really sore after his 3 shots!


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  1. Cari Johnson / July 28, 2013 at 7:27 pm /

    Yeah Tuck!

  2. Kaarina / July 28, 2013 at 7:42 pm /

    I love all of the different shot faces. Otto is so very cool a out shots!

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