SCUBA in Koh Tao

March 29, 2014 at 5:55 pm  •  Posted in Inspiration, Sports, Thailand by

As soon as we settled into Koh Tao, we realized that we were in a prime scuba/snorkeling area. We didn’t necessarily come because this was the prime scuba-diving/snorkeling area, but many people did. We signed up for a scuba lesson with Good Times Adventures. Dad, Yve, Wescott, and I, would go on an underwater extravaganza. You might be wondering: isn’t Otto’s knee horrendous at this date in time? Well, the answer is yes, but my knee can’t stop me from experiencing the aquatic, subterranean world of Koh Tao.

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As I swam through the underwater paradise, my mouth started to become dry from the crisp oxygen I was breathing. From time to time, I was going down to the coral, and would wave my hands over the feathery anemones. You know how in the movie Avatar, Jake goes out on his first day and finds these weird looking plants that shoot back into the ground right as he touches them? Well it was kind of exactly like that.



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It was very peaceful under there. I tried to figure out what it would be like to be a fish, swimming free in the clear-as-day water; having colorful and oddly shaped coral everywhere you look; and having neon dance parties in the nighttime….it seemed like a pretty good gig 🙂

This experience inspired me to get my diving certification in Bali, so I can dive in the Great Barrier Reef!


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  1. Vanessa / March 31, 2014 at 8:56 am /

    What a great adventure you’re having! Thanks for sharing it with us.

  2. Cliff Sharples / April 3, 2014 at 9:52 am /

    I can’t wait to dive in Bali Otto! Diving in Koh Tao was awesome… miss you!!

  3. Stephanie Craig (@steffinseattle) / April 4, 2014 at 1:23 pm /

    Wow! I can’t believe you did scuba — I’m impressed. Kah Tao looks uh-mazing. On my list of places to visit for sure. (I miss you too!)

  4. Wendy Noritake / April 4, 2014 at 8:32 pm /

    Hello Lisa, loved your post! Rita Spangler, who I worked with at Wizards, gave me your website as I am currently in Hong Kong and thought that I might catch up with you if our travels coincided. I’m an avid diver, too, and I especially enjoyed your photos and story. I’m planning to go to Sulawesi in November with my diving buddies and hope to capture some scenes with my new GoPro. Love what you’re doing with AllRecipes, too. Safe journeys, and I hope to hook up with you one day.

    • Lisa / April 15, 2014 at 8:50 pm /

      Hi Wendy! Thanks for reading the blog! Would love to exchange stories back in Seattle sometime! We aren’t headed to HongKong but we will be in Bali…any chance you are headed there in the next few months?

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