
June 23, 2013 at 6:32 am  •  Posted in Education by

“What are you guys doing about school with 5 kids while you travel around the world?” This is the topic that gets the most questions after the comment – “you guys are crazy!” The answer is simple:  We are employing all strategies!

Wescott will miss 10th grade.  While most people agree with the sentiment that “10th grade is a skippable year”…he still needs to get 6.0 credits to graduate. I will leave it to Wescott to write his own blog post on how he plans to do that.

Yve will miss 7th grade.  The only subject she is missing that is critical is “The History of the Pacific Northwest” which is a requirement to graduate in Washington State.  She can take that class online and do a self-paced curriculum to keep up with math.

Otto will miss 6th grade.  Since Yve just completed it, she can help Otto with math which is pretty cool.
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Otto at 5th grade Health Fair with final project on Metabolism

Otto at 5th grade Health Fair with final project on Metabolism

The twins just completed Kindergarten.  Unlike the other three kids, they will not skip a grade, but instead they will come back and enter 1st grade.  Why do we think this is a good idea?  1) They only turned 6 two days ago so they are still pretty young.  2) Jones is still more interested in mermaids than math and spelling (and probably always will be) so he could definitely benefit from an extra year. And 3) Tuck, while advanced academically, weighs a mere 36 pounds which we had to remind ourselves is less than our Thanksgiving turkey last year…..therefore an extra year wouldn’t be bad for Tuck either!

—–Lisa 🙂

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  1. Gina Peckman / July 27, 2013 at 9:44 pm /

    I can’t even begin to tell you how inspiring this trip/blog is! I will probably be on this everyday and not work! LOVE all of you and can’t wait to follow you around the world.
    I am sending this to a traveling guru friend of mine, he is currently based in Holland, but travels everywhere and would love to help. I have books for Wescott -Wescott, hit me up!
    Kisses and hugs to everyone, let your adventure begin! You are giving your kids such a blessing!!! A little teary eyed…just saying

  2. Cari Johnson / July 28, 2013 at 3:10 pm /

    Gina don’t get teary eyed. We’re going to be in the camouflage mini-van following them. Remember your passport- I can’t keep bailing you out of Locked Up Abroad.

  3. Chris Englin / July 29, 2013 at 4:32 am /

    Is there room in the camouflage mini-van for me too? Not sure about getting all those shots though! What a wonderful adventure! Better than a year of school. My BHS kid took online classes through U Neb and BYU too. Have fun!

    • Cari Johnson / July 29, 2013 at 2:42 pm /

      Hi Chris. There is room in the mini-van. It’s getting quite fancy with a matching tear drop trailer, stereo systems, night vision goggles, and a mini fridge. Gina has already made the ‘mix tape’ with Lowrider, and Steppenwolf’s Magic Carpet Ride. Don’t worry, Gina threw in Nena – 99 Luftballons so we don’t look like a bunch of Americans. #Sharplesorbust

  4. Ira / July 29, 2013 at 8:00 pm /

    Super excited for your trip plan!.. I think it’s going to be awesome!.. Thank you for sharing about your journey with the rest of us!

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