A Day With Elephants

March 25, 2014 at 4:43 am  •  Posted in animals, Nature, Thailand by

We rode elephants .they are mega big and have lots of meat  in them.

I rode with wescott
And our elephant  was pretty nicf.

I liked when he laid down in the water of the river.  Their trunks are liike nozes and can hold Stuff.

He put watar in his trunk and sprayed water all over us.

Here's everyone ready to ride elephants!

Here’s everyone ready to ride elephants!

We had to get a ton of bananas to feed the elephants a treat!

We had to get a ton of bananas to feed the elephants a treat!


Tuckie and Ryan feeding the elephants!

Tuckie and Ryan feeding the elephants!

Dad splashing his elephant...don't worry, the elephant got him back GOOD! :)

Dad splashing his elephant…don’t worry, the elephant got him back GOOD! 🙂

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WATERFIGHT!!!!!!!!!…Elephants won 🙂


Otto and his elephant!

Otto and his elephant!


Wescott and me with our elephant we named Philip 2.0...Philip 1.0 was our camel in the Sahara :)

Wescott and me with our elephant we named Philip 2.0…Philip 1.0 was our camel in the Sahara Desert 🙂


We didn't want our day to end...riding elephants bareback is super fun!!!

We didn’t want our day to end…riding elephants bareback is super fun!!!


PARENTS NOTE:  You can actually do a 30-day retreat at Thai Elephant Home where you work with the elephants and ride them everyday!  We all read the book Modoc before we went to Chiang Mai because Roger at Island Books recommended it…Thank you Roger!  It is simply an awesome true story about an elephant that would make anyone want to do the 30-day program or move to Chiang Mai altogether 🙂


  1. karen / March 26, 2014 at 6:18 am /

    Wow, what an amazing experience!

  2. Terry / March 26, 2014 at 6:26 am /

    I love your description of your day with the elephants. What a great experience

  3. Cari Johnson / March 26, 2014 at 8:17 am /

    Jones what an amazing post! Now I want to go!

  4. Cliff Sharples / March 29, 2014 at 10:57 am /

    I think Otto needs to include elephant riding in his transportation post!! I liked riding my own elephant bareback.

  5. Stephanie Craig (@steffinseattle) / April 4, 2014 at 1:30 pm /

    Great post. . .one question: What’s up with the matching blue outfits?

    • Lisa / April 15, 2014 at 8:51 pm /

      They make everyone change into those so you don’t have to worry about your clothes during the watertight with the elephants part of the day 🙂

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