Someone could categorize Shanghai as just another big city with a big population, tall buildings and pollution. Yes, it has all those things, but that only sums up a small fraction of its features. Part of Shanghai’s beauty is derived from the love of architecture that this city carries. After Barcelona, I thought I couldn’t be further “wowed” by crazy architecture. But Shanghai has infused a whole new view on modern architecture into their city, not to mention the fact that Shanghai holds the 2nd and 6th world’s tallest buildings within its city limits.
Here’s an awesome video that Ryan showed me of two guys climbing the 2nd tallest building in Shanghai. Watch, but continue reading my blog post cause I haven’t even got to the point of this entry yet 🙂
One building stands out the most out of all, even more mind blowing and eye-catching than the tallest buildings in Shanghai.
The Oriental Pearl Tower

As iconic as our beloved Seattle Space Needle, you can see the Oriental Pearl Tower is distinct within the landscape!
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As you can see, this thing is pretty dang cool. I don’t even have any similes for this building so I’m just going to leave it at this: Shanghai Pearl Tower = Awesome!

A pedestrian walk high above the traffic allows you to walk around and see the Pearl Tower from many angles!
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