Oh Wait… we need Visas?

August 24, 2013 at 5:07 am  •  Posted in now, trip planning by

Dialing in a little late on this one! We finally figured out that we need visas for 4 countries on the trip, and only 2 weeks to get them!

A Briggs to the rescue! They’ll be walking our passports around Dupont Circle in Washington DC next week to the Tanzanian, Vietnamese and Chinese embassies to get our stamps and approved passage. Myanmar takes 2 weeks alone to process, so we’re skipping it for now and figuring out how we get ourselves in from the road next March!

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  1. Kate / August 24, 2013 at 12:56 pm /

    Good catch on the visas

  2. Colette / August 29, 2013 at 1:25 pm /

    Dont be too hard on yourself, you did have those handy passport thingys all on hand!

    • Lisa / August 30, 2013 at 6:33 pm /

      true! it is really hard dotting all the “i”s and crossing all “t”s. We would be a million times better at it if you were helping Colada! You are so much better at organizing! 🙂

  3. Katie Thompson / August 31, 2013 at 5:51 am /

    Lisa – we have some other friends right now who are traveling around the globe – and have needed while on the road to adjust travel plans and have also become interested to re-route to other places they hadn’t considered (or an extra leg) or if there are visa snafus, etc. Tony is also super tech savvy and found that many of the conventional travel engines we use in the US really don’t do the trick while abroad. Thought I’d just share momondo.com with you in case you all need along the way – think global Kayak for cheap fares, fwiw.

    • Lisa / August 31, 2013 at 4:49 pm /

      Cool Katie! Is Tony traveling with kids too? Seems to be a megatrend! Maybe we should all write a book together! 🙂

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