My Eagle Project

You Can Participate!
August 18, 2013 at 5:30 pm  •  Posted in Education, now by

After visiting my twin brothers’ orphanage in Vietnam roughly four years ago, I was inspired to make a change. Recently, a huge opportunity plopped down right in front of me and the stars aligned!

I was in search of a meaningful Boy Scout Eagle Project and our family would soon be traveling to Bagamoyo as part of the trip around the world. Eventually I connected with my always amenable godmother Erin, who lived in Tanzania, and this Eagle Project was born!

The plan is to collect books in the USA, then ship them to the Baobab House, an orphanage/school in Bagamoyo, and help build a library of early reading leveled books. I wish to collect enough leveled reading books to fill several bookshelves there!

So what is Baobab House? Baobab House NGO (non-governmental organization) is based in Bagamoyo, Tanzania, East Africa. It was founded as a small orphanage for abandoned children to provide interim care, in the hope that foster or adoptive care can be found. They accept sick and healthy children, regardless of HIV status. You can read more about the Baobab House by visiting their website!

My family and I will be in Bagamoyo for 10 days to work with people in the Bagamoyo community to build the bookshelves and organize the reading books. Can’t wait!

Kids at the Baobab House reading some of the books they have now.

Kids at the Baobab House reading some of the books they have now.


My goal is to collect 1,000 books! Leveled Readers are any books for preschool-3rd grade, but if you want a more in depth description, just google search “leveled readers A-R” because that’s what the orphanage prefers. They aren’t picky though, so anything you have helps!

So how can you help?

How do you donate books:

1) You can donate through Island Books, the local bookstore on Mercer Island! Island Books has graciously agreed to help with this project…Thank you Island Books.

  • If you live near Mercer Island, you can visit Island Books (3014 78th Ave. SE, Mercer Island WA 98040) go to the EARLY READER section and see the display they have helped me put together. Then, you can select books to donate. Pay for the books and the Island Books team will keep the books in the back of the store for us to pick up. Island books will have the display up for the next 2 weeks until Sept 1, 2013.
  • If you don’t live near Mercer Island or are just too busy with summer activities, you can call Island Books (206.232.6920) and just buy books for the project over the phone. Their hours are Monday-Friday 9:30- 7 pm, Sat 9:30-6 pm and Sun 11 am – 5 pm, West Coast time. They can even pick them out for you! Just say you want to donate a certain dollar amount and they can select reading books that fit your budget.
  • You can also email Island Books to buy. Just email and put “WESCOTT EAGLE PROJECT” in the subject line. If you are not comfortable including credit card info in an email, just give them your cell phone and the staff at Island Books will call you back.

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2) If you have leveled reading books in your library that you think would be appropriate for the project, feel free to drop them off at our house on Mercer Island. My aunt Kaarina will be helping me sort and level books that are donated. If you want to mail them, send me an email at and I can give you a mailing address.

Thank you in advance for your generous contributions and I will keep everyone posted on how close we are to the 1,000 book goal!

The display Roger and I put together in the early reader section at Island Books for my Eagle Project

The display Roger and I put together in the early reader section at Island Books for my Eagle Project

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  1. Cari Johnson / August 18, 2013 at 10:04 pm /

    Wescott you are a remarkable young man with awesome hair. I will send books home with your dad.

  2. Kaarina / August 19, 2013 at 6:19 am /

    So proud of you!! This is a great project and I cannot wait to see the final product.

  3. tuckeraufranc / August 19, 2013 at 8:27 pm /

    Great idea and well thought out!

  4. Kris Kelsay / August 23, 2013 at 4:08 am /

    Awesome project! I’ll stop by Island Books tomorrow to help out.

  5. Janet kuhn / August 23, 2013 at 1:21 pm /

    Incredible idea. I am so for your project. I will call the bookstore today.

  6. Colette / August 23, 2013 at 4:36 pm /

    Wescott – that’a a great idea – just called the bookstore and they will pick for us from your selection! Colette, Saint, India and St. George. Good luck with the project. One step closer to the ultimate Scout bling!

  7. Kate, John, Kirk, Anne / August 24, 2013 at 1:53 am /

    Wescott- we love your project!! Just had a blast ordering books from Laurie at the book store. Lots of Dr Seuss (and of course Harold and the Purple Crayon)
    Love Kate, Kirk, John, Tom, Anne

  8. Terri Place / August 26, 2013 at 10:55 am /

    Dear Wescott, On behalf of all of the Baobab Home and STA kids who will benefit from your efforts, we’d like to extend our heartiest ASANTE and KARIBU! (thanks and welcome!) We really look forward to having you and your family here. The books and bookshelves are sorely needed at our school! Keep in touch and many thanks to your donors, friends and family for supporting you in your efforts.

  9. Pingback: Eagle Project Update | Project Equator

  10. Erin / September 3, 2013 at 2:54 am /

    So proud of you, Wescott 🙂

  11. Catherine Scott / September 3, 2013 at 7:10 pm /

    Awesome idea! Just talked to Seattle about getting a few of my boys favorites sent. Good luck and have fun on the trip! Best,Shaesby, Catherine, Samuel, Wilton and Finn

    • Lisa / September 3, 2013 at 10:16 pm /

      Thank you so much Scotts!!!

  12. laurakelso / September 4, 2013 at 12:38 am /

    Wescott, this is the coolest project! Jamie just called Island Books and placed an order. Tell us one thing: do you think you’ll have a chance to read to the kids from Baobab House? If so, will you promise to report back on what that was like – what books did they like, and what were their reactions? One of my all time favorite quotes is by Jorge Luis Borges, ““I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.” With your Boy Scout Eagle project, you’re giving kids a glimpse into that…magical and grand!

    • Wescott / September 4, 2013 at 3:55 am /

      Thanks Jamie and Laura, I bet I’ll be able to read to them and will make sure to tell you all about it!

  13. Judith Dern / September 4, 2013 at 6:12 am /

    A fantabulous project, Wescott! Hooray for you for thinking it up and making it happen! My order is in at Island Books, but please let us know if you’re short of your goal and I’ll put together a package to mail. I also hope your mum will take lots of photos of you and the kids and their new books while you’re at the orphanage. Books will take them on journeys to places they never knew existed. Words are magic.

    • Lisa / September 4, 2013 at 3:36 pm /

      Thank you so much Judith for your contributions! We PROMISE to take a ton of pictures 🙂

  14. Stephanie Craig (@steffinseattle) / September 6, 2013 at 6:32 pm /

    Hi Wee! Okay, a bag of books worth $50 is ready for shipping at Island Books. Hopefully they pick out good ones. SO PROUD OF YOU. XOXO

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