In the Mood for Some Mood Food

May 9, 2014 at 7:21 pm  •  Posted in China, Connecting, Education, Food by

Mood Food: the name now conjures up heartfelt memories of creamy cashew milk, flavorful miso soup, and warmhearted goodness. Mood Food possessed a mood like none other: a serene café where we could sink into a pile of pillows with a couple of cats, watch a remarkable video on the human anatomy, sip on some kombucha, and forget our hefty to-do lists. Time moves slowly in this surreal sanctuary, not with the same sluggish, monotonous grog that grips you as soon as Algebra class begins, but with a mellow peacefulness, like a fluffy white cloud gliding across the horizon. The mood matches the mystical aura of Yangshuo perfectly.

I don’t know how often you come across a place as extraordinary and awesome as Mood Food, but I’m just happy we did. Mom, Yve, Otto, Tuck, Jones and I ate here every single day for one month straight (sometimes for both lunch and dinner.) During our stay in Yangshou, we got to know the owners, Daniel and Yanzi, a couple of the coolest people we have ever met! Daniel teaches meditation; Yanzi teaches Yoga: together they are the ultimate health, mind, body, spirit power couple, and not to mention the life force behind the magical Mood Food!

All of us in a meditation class at Mood Food.  We were lucky enough to be able to take meditation for a month with Daniel, a Qi Gong master!

All of us in a meditation class at Mood Food. We were lucky enough to be able to take meditation for a month with Daniel, a Qi Gong Master!


While Yanzi sets an incredibly fun tone with her constant jokes and carefree personality, Daniel is the innovation engine behind Mood Food’s legendary, rawsome recipes. “I woke up in the middle of the night and the recipe for this juice hit me: the Emerald Reviver.” That’s the level of raw passion we are dealing with here: dreaming about recipes for detox juices. Not only did Daniel teach me a great deal about meditation and healthy living, but he also taught me a great deal about zeal and the importance of finding your passion.

Power brownie!  This was one of our favorites... a raw power bar! On our last day we ordered 12 to take to Beijing with us :)

Power brownie! This was one of our favorites… a raw power bar! On our last day we ordered 12 to take to Beijing with us 🙂


Mushroom Medley!  An amazing veggie dish!

Mushroom Medley! An amazing veggie dish!


Watermelon plate.  The presentation of everything was almost as awesome as the taste!

Watermelon plate. The presentation of everything was almost as awesome as the taste!

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Raw sun burger....another favorite!

Raw sun burger….another favorite!


Mood Food's kombucha is the best in the world! this point, we have tried a lot of kumbucha around the world :)

Mood Food’s kombucha is the best in the world! …at this point, we have tried a lot of kumbucha around the world 🙂


When I say, “I am addicted to Mood Food,” this statement may sound a bit like a blithe hyperbole, but I am straight up serious! Now that we have finished our stupendous, life-changing stay in Yangshuo and moved on from Mood Food, we are all having withdrawals. When it is raining out, I long for Mood Food, the coziest place to cuddle up with pillows and sip on some healthy, warm, and delicious cashew milk. When I see a vegetable, my mind wonders back to magnificent memories of Mood Food, and my mouth yearns for a bite of their delicious aromatic broccoli dish! Day after day, night after night, Mood Food was always a highlight!

I mean, the fact that Jones, who insists on eating at McDonalds every day, and who’s favorite snack is potato chips, still asks, “Can we go to Mood Food and eat their garlic bread?” Justifies its excellence! I love Mood Food, it is one of my all-time favorite restaurants, and I would recommend visiting Yangshuo just to eat at this restaurant, chill out, study meditation, practice yoga, and make memories that will put a smile on your face twenty years later!

Jones with his daily order of garlic bread :)

Jones with his daily order of garlic bread 🙂


All of us hanging out with Daniel on our last day at Mood Food!

All of us hanging out with Daniel on our last day at Mood Food!

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  1. Ryan / May 13, 2014 at 4:47 am /

    Looks delicious! Sounds like you found the perfect restaurant to compliment the fresh and healthy lifestyle you were yearning for. You guys know how to find and enjoy a restaurant with character better than anyone. I hope it inspired some new ideas for random cooking sessions back at home.

  2. Vanessa / May 13, 2014 at 8:23 am /

    Another beautifully written piece, Wescott. You’re turning into one of my favorite travel writers.

  3. Stephanie Craig (@steffinseattle) / May 16, 2014 at 8:12 pm /

    Rawsome. You are so obsessed. Are you going to buy a dehydrator and make sun burgers at home. I went on a raw vegan stint for all of two weeks once. Too intense for me, all my spare time was prepping food. You were lucky to find a place that made all that raw yumminess for you. Now I’m hungry.

  4. Gretchen Jones / May 25, 2014 at 11:50 pm /

    mmm. Yummy post, Westcott! It was fun to read because I have to admit I was a little addicted to mood food myself – via the daily (and sometimes 2x daily) instagram feeds depicting the vibrant and beautifully presented dishes. What was the initial encounter attributed to? Trip advisor, personal referral? Just curious how you came across it.

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