Monkey Forest: Part 1

June 6, 2014 at 4:25 am  •  Posted in animals, Bali, Nature, Partners & Friends by

we went to thea Monkey Forest in Ubud and saw Lots of monkeys.  oNe monkey took a guys water boTTle and started drink.  Davld sat next to a monkey and poked the monkey and it bit hlm. The re was also two baby monkeys who were cute and klnda spooky to me.  I want tO go again!

Monkeys with babies

Monkeys with babies


This is David and the monkey before David poked him.

This is David and the monkey before David poked him.


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This is the mean face the monkey made after David poked him....he had really sharp teeth!  He bit David but we didn't get a photo.

This is the mean face the monkey made after David poked him….he had really sharp teeth! He bit David but we didn’t get a photo.


Mom and Janet in the Monkey Forest

Mom and Janet in the Monkey Forest


This is everybody taking pictures of the monkeys :)

This is everybody taking pictures of the monkeys 🙂


  1. Judith Dern / June 29, 2014 at 12:38 am /

    Monkeys! Monkeys! So many monkeys! Jones, you tell a really good story. I hope you get to go back and see them again, too.

  2. Pingback: Monkey Forest: Part 2 | Project Equator

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