
June 7, 2014 at 12:41 am  •  Posted in Inspiration, Learnings by

The conversation follows a familiar pattern each time we meet someone new on this trip….where are you guys from? Are these ALL your kids? How long are you traveling? How are you dealing with school work? Where have you been so far? Where are you going next? Etc, etc, etc.

…. and the conversation typically concludes with a comment from our new acquaintance something like “Wow! Your kids are really lucky to have this opportunity!” Or the more humorous “Can you adopt me too?!” πŸ™‚

In the beginning Β of this trip, I would think to myself “Yep, the kids are really lucky! Not many 12 year-olds get to skip 6th grade and see the world for a year!” But as the trip has unfolded, I realize that while we are all VERY LUCKY in so many ways, the luckiest person on this trip is ME!!

For 9 months now, I have gorged on time with Cliff and the kids! The seven of us have enjoyed over 800 meals together, uninterrupted by phone calls and texts. We have had the chance to read books together, share our thoughts about the world, and engage in conversations about all sorts of topics. We have played games, brainstormed new business ideas, taken over a dozen cooking classes and argued about differences of opinion. But, most importantly, we have gotten to know each other REALLY, REALLY WELL πŸ™‚ Good and bad, highs and lows, we have experienced it all.

I keep asking the kids to think about how our lives will be different when we get back to Mercer Island. Are we all just going to go back to doing exactly what we were doing before we left? I imagine myself, arriving home, unpacking everything from our worn out suitcases and then hollering down the hall “OK..making a run to Target, does anyone need anything?” It seems surreal, and yet, a likely scenario.

Regardless, I am most grateful that Cliff and I have had the opportunity to essentially kidnap our children from our crazy, action packed lives in Seattle and simply be together. Β All too soon, we know that the kids will be off, Β into the world, and will start making life plans on their own. This year long trip has been the greatest gift we could have ever given ourselves, and, despite whatever angst it may cause as we try and plug back into jobs and schools again, it was worth it….times a million!


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Otto and I at a silversmithing class in Ubud, Bali

Otto and I at a silversmithing class in Ubud, Bali


Yve and I in Gili Air, Lombok

Yve and I in Gili Air, Lombok


Wescott and I doing a food safari in Ubud

Wescott and I doing a food safari in Ubud


Enjoying sunset in the rice paddies of Bali

Cliff and I enjoying sunset in the rice paddies of Bali

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  1. Terry / July 1, 2014 at 3:51 am /

    You are lucky and so are we. Thank you for sharing this amazing year with all your family and friends. The blog has been a connection to all of you that I have gobbled up every time there is a new post or gone back to read a favorite past one. Everyone that I have spoken to does not want it to end and hopes to hear how assimilation back into Mercer Island life goes for all of you. Please keep posting.

    • Lisa / July 1, 2014 at 7:35 pm /

      Thanks Mom! It was so much fun getting to spend a month+ with you and Dad too! πŸ™‚ Cliff and I are thinking of turning the shed into a yoga/meditation room so we can try to maintain some of the “zen” πŸ™‚ xoxo! Lisa

  2. Tucker Aufranc / July 1, 2014 at 4:51 am /

    The experience and the time together you have had are irreplaceable. As the gang post their views we all reel in their amazing writing skills. Congratulations.

    • Lisa / July 1, 2014 at 7:37 pm /

      Hi Dad! It takes a lot of coaxing to get each and every post complete and published but my hope is that they will see the value and be appreciative later πŸ™‚ xoxo! Lisa

  3. Mara Krieps / July 1, 2014 at 6:48 am /

    We readers are SO lucky to enjoy the generosity of your family’s sharing adventures and thoughts with us – Wescott’s epiphanies about ballooning, philanthropy and life, Yve’s astonishing (and tear-inducing) reconnection with her infanthood “guardian angels”, Otto’s delightful observations about human nature, Tuck and Jones’ hilarious “living in the minute” accounts, and your and Cliff’s reflections on each stop on the journey have enriched this reader’s life all along the way. Many thanks to all!

    • Lisa / July 1, 2014 at 7:40 pm /

      Hi Mara! Thanks for all your awesome comments and your devoted readership! It is so nice to get feedback on posts and hear what is happening at home with all our friends and family. xoxo! Lisa

  4. Vanessa Greaves / July 1, 2014 at 11:27 am /

    Thank you so much for sharing your amazing, inspirational, beautiful, magical journey with us. As your adventure draws to a close, our armchair view of it does, too. Bittersweet.

    • Lisa / July 1, 2014 at 7:41 pm /

      Hi Vanessa! Perhaps you should head out ATW next and we can follow along with you πŸ™‚ xoxo! Lisa

  5. Mouni / July 1, 2014 at 4:24 pm /

    Great post, Lisa! I love all the pictures too! Reminding us all to soak up and “gorge” on time with loved ones. Why does it always seem the sand goes through the hour glass fastest at the end?

    • Lisa / July 1, 2014 at 7:42 pm /

      So true Mouni!!! And I am psyched to gorge on some time with you when I am back in Seattle πŸ™‚ xoxo! Lisa

  6. Joyce / August 20, 2014 at 11:02 pm /

    Finally I found your blog through LinkedIn, but your trip almost ends I guess? Very nicely written posts and photos, I love reading them. What a wonderful and amazing trip!

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