Kiteboarding: Otto’s Perspective

December 30, 2013 at 3:36 am  •  Posted in Education, Inspiration, Sports, surfing, Tanzania by

We completely stumbled into one of the world’s best kiteboarding spots, especially for beginners. We had a small knowing that Zanzibar had kitesurfing, but we didn’t know what the season was or where it was on the island, and all those things fell right into place. Just a 40 min walk from our hotel is Paje where there are at least thirty kites up in the air at any time. And the season had just started so we were in major luck.

Zanzibar Kite Center… one of our home away from homes for the past 3 weeks

Zanzibar Kite Center… one of our home away from homes for the past 3 weeks

We fell into the hands of Kite Centre Zanzibar, which was recommended for lessons by our house owner, Mathew. Me, My Dad, Wescott, Yve, and Pop Pop all took lessons. Pop Pop bailed after two lessons because his hip was bothering him, my dad did three, Yve and I four, and Wescott five. Wescott is the best out of everyone, and can now rent on his own.

Me getting up on the board

Me getting up on the board

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Yve having a great run!

Yve having a great run!

The kite center has a three day (9 hours) beginners path that you follow and then you can go onto advanced lessons and start renting. After the third lesson I had a face plant down. My fourth was when I made the most progress and by the end, I could ride one way pretty good but the other needed some work. Yve and Dad also got up on the board and had a little ride, and we all agree that we want to continue with this sport!

Wescott getting ready for a run

Wescott getting ready for a run

It was a run for our money but it was all very worth it to have an activity to do on this island of zen.

The students with awesome instructors Scott and Jeff

The students with awesome instructors Scott and Jeff

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  1. Stephanie Craig (@steffinseattle) / January 5, 2014 at 9:13 pm /

    That looks crazy. But so very cool! Total work out I’m sure, can’t wait to see how lesson five turns out. 🙂

  2. Ryan Jones / January 5, 2014 at 10:44 pm /

    Looks amazing. I’m glad you guys are finally finding peace and inner zen. Enjoy, you deserve it and you can celebrate by doing nothing. Zanzibar looks incredible, who new it could get even better! I’m loving the kiteboarding to, I’m telling you it looks perfect even has something new and thats a extreme sport to satisfy and calm Wescott and ottos urges to do something stupid. I’m excited for Wescott to teach me and even more looking forward to seeing you guys, can’t wait. Pumped you guys found such a score spot and SOAK IT UP!

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