i love camels!

December 13, 2013 at 2:51 am  •  Posted in animals, Hiking, Morocco, now by

I got  to ride a camel 2 times. 1 time in the desert and 1time at the beach. My camel in the desert was named Philip. My camel on the beach was named Cappuccino. I want to go again!

Wescott and I riding Philip in the Sahara

Wescott and I riding Philip in the Sahara

Awesome portrait of Cappuccino and me!

Awesome portrait of Cappuccino and me!

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PARENTS NOTE:  We did go back and ride Cappuccino a 2nd time before leaving Essaouira 🙂



  1. Cari Johnson / December 14, 2013 at 8:42 am /

    Jones, thank you for bringing Carrot along. I love Carrot and I am sure he appreciates all the fun places you take him. Cappucino is my favorite camel because you can she him smile with you and it looks like your dad in the Operations meetings.

  2. Mouni / December 14, 2013 at 12:19 pm /

    Fearless Jones… I love it! And I love the smiles on both your faces!

  3. Pingback: TOURON CAMEL TRAIN 9 | La Tercera Fase [3rd Phase]

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