Heri ya Krismas from Zanzibar!

December 26, 2013 at 5:55 am  •  Posted in Connecting, Holidays, Inspiration, Tanzania by


Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the beach bar, several creatures were stirring from lands far and near… With technical descriptions of sleigh landing on powder white sand, twins Tuck and Jones drifted to sleep, while the rest of us dined on a wonderful Swahili Buffet of local curries, fresh mango salad and local nan bread. Our good friend and Maasai from Austin Nayay joined us with new friends from Germany, Switzerland, South Africa, Norway, Denmark and of course, Tanzania, Project Equator’s Christmas Eve was as special as we could have hoped.

Wescott, Yve, Otto and PopPop holding their Zanzibarian Stockings

Wescott, Yve, Otto and PopPop holding their Zanzibarian Stockings

Christmas Day was a magical blend of exotic settings, handmade gifts, pure white beaches, kite surfers in Santa hats, wonderful food and spirits, and precious family time.  Santa, clever as ever, decided it would be best to climb down Terry and Tucker’s beach banda air vent, thus keeping the venerable twins from ripping apart creatively wrapped treasures acquired in several countries at 5:30 am. After a beachside breakfast in our dining room featuring a silk-soft sand floor, we enjoyed a most creative gift giving morning that took us back to some of our favorite moments on the trip so far.

Yve, Terry and Lisa sporting their hand-knit scarves with artist Tuck

Yve, Terry and Lisa sporting their hand-knit scarves with artist Tuck


Otto devised a great scavenger hunt for all to reach their personally crafted gifts. With just the right amount of difficulty, while still being achievable, we each had to discover 3 clues that had us going all around Crazy M’s and the beach… under palm trees, inside the graffiti bug, over gates, under whale bones, Otto hosted a great hunt… a good time being had by all!

We made it through the Scavenger Hunt!!

We made it through the Scavenger Hunt!!


Podage made it in from Morocco (who we met and adopted in Sintra, Portugal), serving as one of the prizes at the end of the scavenger hunt!

Podage made it in from Morocco (who we met and adopted in Sintra, Portugal), serving as one of the prizes at the end of the scavenger hunt!

Wescott commandeered Nayay to aid in the harvesting of 9 coconuts, which he used as containers for a personally written haiku for each of us. In a unique, tropical interpretation of a Cracker Jacks box, we had to figure out how to split the nut open to retrieve a sticky, wet bag containing the treasured prose!

Wescott with his coconut creations

Wescott with his coconut creations


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The gang with their Haikus

The gang with their Haikus

Later in the day, we visited our new Dutch kite buddies Scott, Jeffrey, Michelle and Company at Zanzibar Kite Center, where Wescott, Otto, Yve, Tucker and I have been hanging out and getting lots of kite boarding lessons all week. Our adopted hotel, Paje by Night, that features a most excellent pool, bar and restaurant, served as Christmas dinner. Entertained by a mesmerizing Swahili Capuera dance troop, featuring choreographed fight-dancing and acrobatic maneuvers while dipping in the pool, we had a very merry dinner and perfect end to a wonderful day.

Otto hanging out with Otto at Paje by Night

Otto hanging out with Otto at Paje by Night

Entertainment for Christmas Dinner

Entertainment for Christmas Dinner


Tuck hanging in Paje

Tuck hanging in Paje

Jones likes to hang too...

Jones likes to hang too…


While we miss family, friends and home as the holiday season unfolds, we all agreed it was one of our most special, enchanting Christmases in recent memory.

PopPop on maracas made by Tuck using shells from Greece and euros; Otto on his Moroccan drum he got for Christmas

PopPop on maracas made by Tuck using shells from Greece and euros; Otto on his Moroccan drum he got for Christmas


Otto's favorite gift... he is VERY specific about toothpaste brand :-)

Otto’s favorite gift… he is VERY specific about toothpaste brand 🙂

From Zanzibar with Love and Hope for a Wonderful 2014, we wish everyone a wonderful Holiday!

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  1. Cari Johnson / December 26, 2013 at 6:45 am /

    Merry Christmas wonderful Sharples!

    • Lisa / December 28, 2013 at 6:05 am /

      Merry Christmas Cari!!!!

  2. kelly brophy / December 26, 2013 at 10:22 am /

    Merry Christmas from Napa! We love you and are so excited that you have such a memorable holiday!!

    • Lisa / December 28, 2013 at 6:05 am /

      Merry Christmas Guys! Love seeing the pics you sent! xoxo!

  3. Stephanie Craig (@steffinseattle) / December 27, 2013 at 8:38 pm /

    Beautiful. What a magical place. Merry Christmas guys!

    • Lisa / December 28, 2013 at 6:03 am /

      you would love it here Steph! It is all about SLOWING DOWN which you know is hard for us to do 🙂

  4. Kenny Stocker / January 1, 2014 at 9:57 pm /

    Happy Holidays Sharples clan.
    Xmas looked great. Look forward to seeing photos from New Years.

  5. Deborah Jones / January 5, 2014 at 10:57 pm /

    What an incredible Christmas all of you!! You look like you are in such a blissful state! Enjoy every minute:)

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