Hanging with the Joneses: Part 4

July 6, 2014 at 10:12 am  •  Posted in Bali, Inspiration, Partners & Friends by

I can see myself, three years old, peering around the corner of a wall.  This only lasts a couple seconds when the scene suddenly shifts and I’m eye level with two pairs of feet. Craning my head back, I can spot Mom’s face peeking out from the shoulder of an anonymous silhouette.  Mom’s mouth is moving―I can tell she’s questioning the dark figure in front her, but no sound is heard.  My tiny hands fumble along the wall as I try to remain discreet while attempting a better vantage point on the encounter at hand.  The body in front of me, looming overhead is unquestionably the shape of a woman, though I have no idea why she’s there.  And again the scene changes.  I’m brought back to looking at myself crouching on the floor, head bent at an awkward angle, and this time I’m fully aware of why that anonymous lady is sitting at our dinning table answering questions and I now also know her name.  Her name is Stephanie Craig.

She wasn’t always Stephanie Craig.  Throughout most of her high titled career as our prospering nanny, she was incidentally Stephanie Jones.  Yes, another Jones in our family.  Having been with us since our first years on Mercer Island and then all the years after that, the goodbyes when we left for the trip were fairly wet. Mostly it was her eyes doling out the steady stream of salt while us kids insisted that we would be gone only a year and how little time it actually is if looked at in that perspective.  But, we would soon be the ones convincing her and her husband, Aric, to come and meet us on our global adventure. Though it was more of an obligation than anything. I mean, all of the other Joneses in our lives were making an appearance on ProjectEquator so she couldn’t just not come. So, with much back and forth, we soon were all reunited in Bali.

Steff and I hanging at Karsa Spa in front of the lotus pond!

Steff and I hanging at Karsa Spa in front of the lotus pond!


The time quickly went by, seeming to slip right through our fingers, but not before we made sure “everyday was the best day ever” which was set out by Steff and Aric and wasn’t a very hard goal to accomplish.

Hanging outside of Intuitive Flow, our favorite yoga studio in Ubud!

Hanging outside of Intuitive Flow, our favorite yoga studio in Ubud!

Aric and Steff both loved sliver smithing class as much as I did.

Aric and Steff both loved sliver smithing class as much as I did.

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Of course there were obstacles, even still in heavenly Bali.  Obstacles which put everyone (except Otto, Jones, and I fortunately enough) in a 24-hour state of toilet dependency. It didn’t matter what end of the pipe it came out of―nobody was feeling up to par and the victims were left helpless to the bug. Yet, we all managed to come out alive, for there were still plenty more things to do and see…. which leads me to one last thing. Steff and Aric, while we loved shepherding you around Ubud and spending time together, we’re not done with you yet on Project Equator. Come to Mattapoisett!!

CHEERS to the first day Steff and Aric were with us in Ubud!

CHEERS to the first day Steff and Aric were with us in Ubud!




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  1. Terry / August 24, 2014 at 4:04 pm /

    Stef will love this. Mattapoisett is a must for her.

  2. Stephanie Craig (@steffinseattle) / August 24, 2014 at 4:59 pm /

    My beautiful, smart and talented Yve — how I miss your little three year old fingers and funky pigtails. 😉

    What a ride this year has been, watching you and the boys trek the globe as I experienced the sights and smells through your words. To join you and be a part of this magical story has afforded Aric and I memories that will last a lifetime. Thank you for making every day THE BEST DAY EVER! …and as mom would say, “EMERGENCY” when do you leave Mattapoisett, I need to be there with the gang!


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