Hang Ten Crete!

October 17, 2013 at 10:28 am  •  Posted in Connecting, Greece, Inspiration, surfing by

One would think that Crete is a paradisiacal home where surfers abound. Alas, that wasn’t exactly the case. It seemed to be that surfing was an aberrant activity here. Searching the Internet my Dad stumbled upon, presumably, the only guy on the island who has surfboards. Random and just a tad bit sketchy we set off at 8 o’clock the next morning. Our first destination was the Happy Laundry Laundromat where we were to pick up the surfboards.


Then we went to the bank which the guy who rented us the boards told us to deposit the money in his account. A couple side stops here and there to cool off our cars’ radiator and we were home free; nothing in our way from catching those waves!

Dad putting water in the radiator to cool it off... just another thing to add to the craziness!

Dad putting water in the radiator to cool it off… just another thing to add to the craziness!

When we arrived at Falassarna beach 4 hours later we all began to rejuvenate and come back to life when we saw the swell. It was a ravishing day and the waves were sublime. Though we hadn’t surfed in about 2 months, we were all eager to get out into the water. Wescott and Otto were able to get a couple sweet rides and well, as for me, today wasn’t precisely in my favor. Not as adroit, I barely got up. It was quite disparaging, but I wasn’t going to go home saying I’ve only sat on a surfboard in Crete. I wanted to surf and that’s what we came to do so holding on to that staunch thought, we went back out.

Otto catching that big wave

Otto catching that big wave

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Wescott surfing Crete!

Wescott surfing Crete!

The second time around I victoriously managed—if only for a few seconds—to snag a ride or two! The day was complete; beginning with a crazy trip to the laundromat and ending in another breathtakingly resplendent sunset. We can now say we’ve surfed Crete!

There's me!

There’s me!


Killer sunset to end off the day

Killer sunset to end off the day

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  1. Gwen Ogle / October 20, 2013 at 12:32 pm /

    What gorgeous waves and sunset. Surprised you had to go to the laundromat for surfboards. Loving all your posts.

  2. Terry / October 20, 2013 at 12:37 pm /

    Yve. Way to hang in there and catch the waves

  3. Gina Peckman / October 20, 2013 at 3:56 pm /

    Yve, way to go! From one person who loves the water to another, so impressed!

  4. Stephanie Craig (@steffinseattle) / October 20, 2013 at 8:23 pm /

    Sweet swells girl! Nice attitude, glad you didn’t give up!

  5. The 3 Shoops / October 21, 2013 at 9:15 pm /

    Cool, looks fun!
    Jack Shoop

  6. tuckeraufranc / October 22, 2013 at 2:33 pm /

    Nothing seems to stop you! Way to go.

  7. Cari Johnson / October 25, 2013 at 2:50 pm /

    The eye wear is getting a bit ridiculous. Cliff is now sporting 2 pair of glasses? What the crap?

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