Furaha ya mwaka mpya!! Welcome 2014!!

December 31, 2013 at 6:45 am  •  Posted in Connecting, Holidays, Inspiration, Tanzania by

As we see 2013 close and 2014 dawn from our front row balcony seat on the eastern shores of Zanzibar, we are humbled by how fortunate, blessed, lucky and connected we feel. With Project Equator in full swing, we can scarcely believe the year is over. With all the planning, working, scheming, packing, scheduling, shots, reservations and goodbyes, our dreams are certainly unfolding – quickly! – before our eyes.

The Gang on the last day of 2013

The Gang on the last day of 2013

We are so fortunate to be ringing in the African New Year with Lisa’s parents Terry and Tucker, and our great friends Erin and Nayay, their two children Sam and Kai, and Erin’s best buddy Marcus. At 14, we are truly a party by ourselves. Though, more than any other location, we have met so many great people from all over the world who we are also sharing the party at the sublime Upendo bar.

Marcus was swimming for the group pic, but really, he deserves his own spotlight!

Marcus was swimming for the group pic, but really, he deserves his own spotlight!

Terry has reached a state of zen on the beach

Terry has reached a state of zen on the beach


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Coolest beach bar ever!!

Coolest beach bar ever!!

See everyone in 2014!!

Peace and Love from Zanzibar

PS – Carrot and Broccoli also are with us, and wish everyone well too 🙂

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  1. Gwen and Ray Ogle / December 31, 2013 at 10:13 am /

    Happy New Year to all of you! We are living vicariously and enjoying each and every post.

    Gwen and Ray

    • Cliff / December 31, 2013 at 10:40 am /

      Ray and Gwen, Thank you so much, and I have to tell you, we’ve been sitting around the table talking about 2013 and resolutions for 2014, and Lisa and I recounted the life of your amazing daughter and what an inspiration she has been to us. And then, I saw your comment come through while we were reminiscing. We can’t tell you how thankful we are to have had her in our life, though too brief, and our hearts and thoughts are with you both on this new year’s eve. All of our best to you both, and we look forward to seeing you in 2014! Love, Cliff & Lisa

  2. Ashley Winnie / December 31, 2013 at 11:37 am /

    Happy 2014 Sharples family! We continue to be inspired by your adventuresome spirits, and LOVE seeing your pictures, reading posts, blogs, etc. Here’s to many more wonderful days in 2014! Cheers to each and every one of you!!! XOXOX
    The Winnies

  3. jfrohnmayer / December 31, 2013 at 4:53 pm /

    Happy, happy New Year to all of you!! Love following your adventures as you post. Glad to see Carrot and Broccoli are in good form and enjoying the trip as well. Hugs to everyone with an extra squeeze for Tuck and Jones. Love, janet

    • Lisa / January 8, 2014 at 8:20 pm /

      Happy 2014 Janet! Come meet us in Easter Island for the last hurrah!!! xoxo, Lisa

  4. Gina Peckman / January 1, 2014 at 3:27 pm /

    Happy New Year Sharples! Why we miss you all greatly, I adore my daily dose of the blog!
    I feel like I am having this amazing adventure with you. I want to know all about that amazing house in the middle of the ocean! Do you rent it, when can I come and stay in that house???
    hugs and kisses to everyone!! YEAH 2013 over can’t wait for 2014!

    • Lisa / January 8, 2014 at 8:19 pm /

      Happy New Year Gina! Thank you for being one of our biggest fans on the blog! Say “hi” to all in Seattle for us! xoxo, Lisa

  5. Mike Fratesi / January 3, 2014 at 1:05 pm /

    Happy New Year. What an amazing looking place. Best wishes for 2014 and your on-going adventure.

    • Lisa / January 8, 2014 at 8:18 pm /

      Thanks Mike!!! Happy New Year to you, Adele and Annie! I hope you are enjoying your 51st year 🙂

  6. Jean Berry / January 3, 2014 at 2:05 pm /

    Happy New Year to you all! Love that beach! Here’s to following your many more adventures in the Year of the Horse. jeanb

    • Lisa / January 8, 2014 at 8:16 pm /

      Happy New Year Jean! Thank you for following the chaos and we look forward to catching up in 2014!! 🙂

  7. Stephanie Craig (@steffinseattle) / January 5, 2014 at 9:09 pm /

    Happy New Years gang! Great post and recap. We sent hugs and a few cheers your way as we welcomed 2014. XOXO

  8. Jenn McIntire / January 8, 2014 at 4:35 pm /

    Hello Sharples,
    How long will you stay in Arusha? My family friend, Cheryl Kyle (Lisa, I am sure you have met on the Cape), will be arriving in Arusha on Wednesday. She goes there every winter. She supports a school called Endupoto Primary School. If you want to get in touch with her (perhaps to visit the school), her email is: cherylkyle@aol.com.

    I love following your journey! We took a family trip to Kenya and Tanzania in 1976. I remember going on safari in the Ngorongoro crater like it was yesterday. The wildebeest video on instagram is fantastic!
    xo Jenn

    • Lisa / January 8, 2014 at 8:13 pm /

      Hi Jenn! We would love to meet your friend Cheryl! We are in Arusha for the next 10 days so I will email her!!! Thank you for the connection. And it would be so fun to compare pics and see if you think it has changed much since you were here. Do you remember where you guys stayed when you did your safari in Tanzania? There are some super cool old lodges here! xoxo, Lisa

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