Fru i t

March 28, 2014 at 5:17 pm  •  Posted in Food, Learnings by

There  is   A lot  of  we  ird  fru  i  t  on  this  trip.  Theres  mangosteen, Poweeo, Longan  And  Snakefruit.  i  still li  ke  strawberri  es the  best.

These are mangosteens.  They are Wescott's favorite and taste like sweet tart.

These are mangosteens. They are Wescott’s favorite and taste like sweet tart.

This is rambutan and it sticks together like velcro!

This is rambutan and it sticks together like velcro!


This is dragonfruit. Sometimes it tastes like water and sometimes it is sweet.

This is dragonfruit. Sometimes it tastes like water and sometimes it is sweet. We saw them growing in huge fields and the plant looks like a gigantic Christmas cactus.

This is pomelo and it is like a gigantic grapefruit.

This is pomelo and it is like a gigantic grapefruit.

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This is longan. After you peel it, it feels like an eyeball.

This is longan. After you peel it, it feels like an eyeball.


There is also mini mangos and they are super sweet and easier to eat than the really mega big ones.

There is also mini mangos and they are super sweet and easier to eat than the really mega big ones.


This is snakefruit.  Sometimes it is more round and brown. It might look like a strawberry but it taste like a cross between an apple and a pineapple.  This is mom's favorite.

This is snakefruit. Sometimes it is more round and brown. It might look like a strawberry but it taste like a cross between an apple and a pineapple. This is mom’s favorite.


  1. Ryan / March 29, 2014 at 9:06 pm /

    This is a tasty post Jones, great job!

  2. Mouni / March 30, 2014 at 1:23 pm /

    I love the dragon fruit!!!

  3. Dad / March 30, 2014 at 4:06 pm /

    What an awesome post! I’m hungry!!!

  4. Gretchen Jones / March 31, 2014 at 1:28 am /

    Oh Jones, you make me want to buy a ticket back to SE Asia!! We are really missing all those fab fruits. My favorite was the Mangosteen and the Rambutan was a close second. We discovered a new fruiit in New Zealand called Fiejoa – but it is not quite as tasty as the Asian fruits.

  5. Vanessa / March 31, 2014 at 9:14 am /

    Beautiful, Jones. I’m going to see if I can find anything like these fruits in Seattle – maybe at Uwajimaya – and now I won’t be afraid to try them.

  6. Rayner / April 1, 2014 at 8:05 pm /

    Jones, I love your description of each fruit. The pictures make the fruit look a little scary but when I read your description it made my taste buds jump! I would love to try them. Thanks for introducing me to such exotic fruits.

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