Flashback Dining

February 13, 2014 at 4:00 am  •  Posted in Food, Vietnam by

Going to Hanoi is taking a stroll down memory lane, especially with respect to restaurants. After visiting Hanoi for the second time, it occurred to me that we didn’t eat a whole lot of Vietnamese food on our previous journey. So I would like to show some our NON-Vietnamese cuisine restaurants from when we were living in Hanoi 5 years ago!

Mediterraneo.  This restaurant I was especially exited to revisit, in fact I checked if it was still open about three times before our arrival in Hanoi 🙂 This was an Italian, top of the line, restaurant with the best pizza in town. Again, I know it might seem a bit sad  that we were eating at an Italian restaurant in Hanoi almost every week, but if you tried that pizza you would understand.

After getting off the airplane our first stop was to the famous Italian restaurant. I ordered my same exact order as every other time I had been there, Margarita Pizza. Even the most boring types of pizza could be turned into the most flavorful at this wonder factory. My pizza arrived and a moment of deja vu struck, a familiar smell entered my nostrils, and a familiar presentation exited my retina. The holiest pizza sat in front of me. Eagerly, I folded my pizza (like I always do) and took one large bite. My pupils widened. This pizza hasn’t changed one bit. The crust was thin and crispy, the balance between cheese and sauce was perfect…this was a work of art! Everybody else seemed to enjoy their meals such as ravioli and pasta. We went there only once more after that night, due to its value compared to street food or other inexpensive Vietnamese restaurants, but when I go to Hanoi again, I’ll be rushing to Mediterraneo.

Me in front of Mediterraneo!

Me in front of Mediterraneo!

The Green Tangerine was our last dinner in Hanoi. This restaurant is a French restaurant with awesome food including awesome desserts. They are especially famous for their presentation of food. I ordered caramelized pork. No knife was needed, it was so tender, a fork would do the trick. I stabbed a piece of meat and rushed it into my mouth. I was surprised, the food almost seemed better than before. I took a small bite of Wescott’s salmon as well and found that same excitement in my taste buds.

I ordered a chocolate cake for desert. It came with vanilla ice cream and a solid chocolate covering. I practically inhaled it. The Green Tangerine definitely lived up to or even more than what we remember.

The pork was soooo… good!

The pork was soooo… good!

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Wescott said his salmon was the best salmon he had ever had! "Salmon filet "ca kho" style, braised in lemongrass, ginger and fish sauce served with broccoli and lotus seed semolina and strawberry chutney."

Wescott said his salmon was the best salmon he had ever had! “Salmon filet “ca kho” style, braised in lemongrass, ginger and fish sauce served with broccoli and lotus seed semolina and strawberry chutney.”


Dad and Yve both ordered the duck!

Dad and Yve both ordered the duck!


Yve's dessert was banana fritters with chocolate ice cream and pistachios!

Yve’s dessert was banana fritters with chocolate ice cream and pistachios!

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  1. Terry / February 13, 2014 at 5:33 am /

    Thank you for a trip down memory lane. Your descriptions reminded me of how great the food is there

  2. Vanessa / February 13, 2014 at 8:32 am /

    Great post and beautiful photos!

  3. Stephanie Craig (@steffinseattle) / February 13, 2014 at 9:10 am /

    Hanoi had some great spots — although your fav spot was Mediterraneo mine was Green Tangerine. Their food looks as perfect as ever!

    • Lisa / February 14, 2014 at 9:53 am /

      we missed you there Steff! The food is still awesome and you and Aric would love it!

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