Fizz & The Mat Bar Lifestyle

March 28, 2014 at 11:58 pm  •  Posted in Food, Inspiration, Learnings, Thailand by

If you’re searching for a simpler lifestyle, then just take a page from Koh Tao. Once you ditch your shoes and become eternally attached to the sea, all your troubles will soon wash away with the tide. Walking down the main strip you’ll be able to join in on pub crawls, go see drag-queen shows, enjoy a bucket of mojito with your five kids, and wonder why it’s taken you this long to find paradise.

Compared to neighboring islands, Koh Tao has fortunately not been built-up too much and overrun with mega 5-star resorts and Starbucks. Yet, with it being the island of scuba diving and snorkeling, there’s still numerous backpackers/tourists visiting each day. Though I’d say its a win since not only is there amazing dive spots, but more importantly there’s mat bars!

“Don’t get confused… they are not bars owned by people named Matt ;)” – Mom (she had too much sun―or is it still the mojito??)

I was skeptical at first on how this could be considered fun, but it turned out that a mat on the sand with a comfy beanbag chair proved to be just the thing. Our second home on Koh Tao (the first being our hotel’s negative edge swimming pool) was the mat bar at Fizz. We went there almost every night, either eating in their outdoor restaurant or lounging on the sand… and usually we ended up doing both. But who would want to do anything else?! With a perfect view looking straight out at the sunset, we would sit, watching as the sky turned dark and the beach become set ablaze by tiki torches and fire dancers. Maybe it’s more easy than Koh Tao. Maybe when they say “a simple life” they actually mean mat bars.

Typical scene before sunset!

Typical scene before sunset!

A panorama from the beanbags

A panorama from the beanbags

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This was the view from the front row of beanbags at Fizz.  They built fire pits out of sand!

This was the view from the front row of beanbags at Fizz. They built fire pits out of sand!



These are the fire dancers that came out to entertain everyone after the sun was down!

These are the fire dancers that came out to entertain everyone after the sun was down!


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  1. Cari Johnson / March 30, 2014 at 8:03 am /

    You are a wonderful writer Yve!

    • Yve / March 31, 2014 at 3:06 am /

      Thanks Cari! Hope to see you in Yangshou!!

  2. Mouni / March 30, 2014 at 1:22 pm /

    Wow! The mats sound so relaxing! I see bonfires in sand fire pits coming soon to Cannon Beach!

    • Yve / March 31, 2014 at 3:04 am /

      Oh it was sooo relaxing. We totally have to do it in Cannon beach! they put a candle stick in a beer bottle and then stuck it in the middle of the pit—have to try it!

  3. Vanessa / March 31, 2014 at 9:01 am /

    I’m afraid I’d never leave the mat. Thanks for the wonderful storytelling and photos.

  4. Rayner / April 1, 2014 at 8:01 pm /

    Yve, Fizz looks amazing! I’m thinking a little yoga on the mat and then rewarding yourself with your favorite beverage while watching the sunset!!!

    • Yve / April 1, 2014 at 11:47 pm /

      I like the way you think!! we went so often the people at Fizz knew my mom and dad’s drink order! Definitely could’ve stayed wayy longer

  5. Cliff Sharples / April 3, 2014 at 9:56 am /

    Take me back to Fizz!! You nailed it Yve (as usual). Can’t wait to see you all in Bali and find a bucket of mojitos to share :-). Miss you!!!

  6. Andrea Watson / April 13, 2014 at 9:45 am /

    I am loving your posts Yve. You are a beautiful writer! I’m looking forward to more. 🙂
    – Andrea Watson (James’ mom)

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