Exhale & Release

May 3, 2014 at 6:09 pm  •  Posted in China, Inspiration, Inspiring, Learnings, Sports by

9:30 am
Mechanically, the yoga mats are dismembered from the shelves. One by one each unfold to reveal its green, lengthy body. Rain drops make their melodious way onto the roof, landing softly in a pitter-patter-ish attitude. Shuffling feet come to a standstill bringing a pillow thudding to the ground. Jackets and socks are thrown haphazardly to the side. The teacher is waiting. Class once again begins.

Bodies move every which way. Arms and legs flail about trying to keep balance. Stretching until you feel like you’re going to rip in half. Unexpectedly finding comfort in the strangest positions. This is yoga. Trying to keep the breath steady, music fills the ears and above all, one voice is heard keeping in time with the rhythm. The teacher. Her name is Yanzi. Her exuberant presence floods the small room with extreme happiness, joviality, and witty humor. She’s honestly the main reason why this experience was so amazing. You could almost see the glow which blinds out the greyness from outside. Time passes quickly as each pose melts seemingly into the next.

Every week on Tuesdays and Thursdays limbs get slightly more flexible. Every week on Tuesdays and Thursdays minds get slightly more relaxed. And especially every week on Tuesdays and Thursdays there is a Tuck and Jones free morning. It’s safe to say that it really is our own mini yoga retreat. Nobody wants this time to end. Luckily though, we have kombucha and our one and only favorite organic restaurant waiting downstairs for us.

10:30 am

i was stretched to new heights / crazy positions! who knew i was that flexible

i was stretched to new heights / crazy positions! who knew i was that flexible?!

otto and yanzi perform a handstand w/o any hands or head

otto and yanzi perform a handstand w/o any hands or head !

cirque de soliel here we come?

cirque du soleil here we come?

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it actually would've been comfortable & relaxing if wescott hadn't kept moving and digging his spine into my back…. he seems to be enjoying it though

it actually would’ve been comfortable & relaxing if wescott hadn’t kept moving and digging his spine into my back…. he seems to be enjoying it though

the students and the teacher on the last day of classes :(

the students and the teacher on the last day of classes 🙁





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  1. Kaarina / May 3, 2014 at 9:32 pm /

    You are so flexible!!!! Looks like you got seriously into the zen of life while there.

    • Yve / May 4, 2014 at 8:01 am /

      Yeah, I never knew I was that flex-y. I mean I can barely touch the ground with my fingertips while standing straight up! & you better get ready because you’ll definitely find zen here in Bali !!!!!

  2. Cari Johnson / May 4, 2014 at 7:27 am /

    Lovely writing again Yve. I am happy I didn’t do the Yoga with you guys after seeing the pictures. I can’t imagine me doing the circus routines without causing you or Otto serious injuries. I tried the pretzel at home and couldn’t get myself out of the pose for 2 days. 🙂

    • Yve / May 4, 2014 at 7:50 am /

      Oh boy! what a sight that would’ve been… I bet you definitely had your nervous face on 😉 hahhaha thanks Cari for reading!

  3. Cliff Sharples / May 4, 2014 at 9:32 am /

    “Nobody wants this time to end” is the truest statement on this entire blog… See you in a couple more days for some Balinese Yoga Yve! L, D

  4. Terry Aufranc / May 6, 2014 at 2:59 am /

    Yve you are a natural at Yoga. You and Kaarina should open a studio on Mercer

  5. Stephanie Craig (@steffinseattle) / May 8, 2014 at 12:18 pm /

    You guys are such yogis! Love the super serious moves. Also, A+ for the descriptive writing. 😉 Hehehe

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