Eagle Project Update

So Far, So Good!
August 31, 2013 at 7:48 am  •  Posted in jumbotron, now by

Thank you to everyone who has already donated! We now have at least two bookshelves worth of books! Island Books is absolutely ecstatic with the amount of business they are receiving. It’s amazing to think of the kids that will read these books and possess many of the same memories we all do, of the classics like Goodnight Moon and Sam I Am. I’d say we are almost half way there to the slightly ambitious, yet estimable goal of 1,000 books!

Thanks again to everyone helping me out with this! If you haven’t gotten a chance to get involved already, then if you’d like, please check out my previous blog and find out how you can donate!
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One Comment

  1. Gina Peckman / September 13, 2013 at 7:57 am /

    Wescott -I let your mom and dad know this, but our youngest daughter Morgan, has a friend who is a senior in HS and their leadership class is going to help with your book project!!!
    I will let you know more after I meet with the class. Anything you want to tell them???

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