Cooking Clas in Tieland

March 27, 2014 at 8:32 pm  •  Posted in Education, Food, Thailand by

We went to tideland and i got to do a cooking clas with mom ryan yve and wee. me and mom made pat see ew and we all made banana spying rolls.

This is how you mack banana spying rolles.  You need a frozen spying rolle shell then you need to cut it in four then cut the banana in four then put the banana on the plater then rolle it in the shell then cook it then you can put choclit and candies milk.

This is the spying roll shell

This is the spying rolle shell


This is me cutting the banana

This is me cutting the banana


This is what they look like after they are rolled

This is what they look like after they are rolled

Wee cooked them for me

Wee cooked them for me

They only took 5 minutes to cook

They only took 5 minutes to cook

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Yve put choclit and candies milk on hers

Yve put choclit and candies milk on hers


This is the funky eggplant we put in the papaya salad

This is the funky eggplant we put in the papaya salad


This is me and my friend from Hong Kong making papaya salad

This is me and my friend from Hong Kong making papaya salad

We had to use a mortar and pestle a lot!

We had to use a mortar and pestle a lot!

We made our own curry paste and the lady from Hong Kong was a "mortar and pestle ninja" so she helped everyone do theirs :)

We made our own curry paste and the lady from Hong Kong was a “mortar and pestle ninja” so she helped everyone do theirs 🙂


Everyone in our class (except mom who took the picture!)

Everyone in our class (except mom who took the picture!)

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  1. Vanessa / March 28, 2014 at 11:00 am /

    Another wonderful post, Tuck. Sure looks like you’re having a delicious trip around the world!

  2. Cliff Sharples / March 29, 2014 at 10:55 am /

    Great rolling job Tuck!!! Jones and I are bummed we missed the class 🙁 but psyched for you to make us Thai food back home!!

  3. Gretchen Jones / March 31, 2014 at 1:31 am /

    Tuck – love this post about the rolls. Reminds me of our rolls we made on the Halong Bay boat cruise and also in Mui Ne. When we are all back in Seattle, we should have a roll party reunion! Keep up the great posts – I love reading about your adventures!

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