On this trip there are no desks. No bells and set times. No Monday blues and late night, last minute to-dos. No teachers—or at least in the conventional way.
I had always accepted when people would say, “it’s the best education you could ever have,” because it seemed true, though now I’m actually starting to understand why. Yeah a trip around the world definitely beats boring textbooks and sitting in a chair hours a day, listening to a teacher drone on, but as I look back at the trip and what I’ve learned, all I see are moments. It may not be the most academic, but events can teach you, whether you know it or not. A famous Chinese proverb states that “teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself”. Maybe that’s where you come in. Taking those events and learn to find the meaning behind it, whether it be minuscule or monumental. Maybe that’s where you have to enter by yourself. Just like in a regular class room, the teacher can teach you myriads of things but the teacher can’t absorb it for you. You have to take that final step and actually go for it, understand it, and use it.
Turning on the faucet in the bathroom sink still half asleep, I find no water running out. Getting lost in mazes of winding, condensed streets surrounded by bulbously exhausted buildings, I only have a clue as to which direction is which. With bare feet I begin ascending the steep steps of a pagoda in pitch black and arrive on top to sit quietly as the sun awakes. Before this trip I’m not sure I would’ve called these moments teachers, but that’s exactly what they are. I’m still learning and still trying to walk through that door, but I certainly know that you don’t need to go traveling for a year to figure out that we’re all students, with our own daily events teaching us each and every day. It’s never too late. The teaching never stops, it’s only you who stops.
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