FooFfy ls the fluffy dog that llves at moond food he Ls a boy. He llkes to do yoga And medltaton. He ls super cute. FooFfy would always be...
We rode elephants .they are mega big and have lots of meat in them. I rode with wescott And our elephant was pretty nicf. I liked when he laid...
This rather large sykes monkey stared at me on my balcony for an entire morning! We’ve been to some amazing locations on our Project Equator adventure...
Big game hunting in Africa conjures up previously perceived romantic images of an imperial era gone by. Today, we’d like to think of big game hunters...
I couldn’t leave Africa without writing about the giraffes! It has always been pretty cool to see a giraffe in the zoo, but there is nothing like...
T-minus 3 days before we leave Tanzania 🙁 We have had an incredible time, met amazing people and been up close and personal with a record number...
We saw a BaBy zeta. We also saw a bay Lion. The baby lion was trylng to get Wescott to yawn. We saw a zillion baay baboons. We even...
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