Bye, Bye Bug!

August 30, 2013 at 6:27 pm  •  Posted in Packing, trip planning by

Our good friend, Gail, is the proud owner of our convertible VW Beetle!  She picked it up today and looked fabulous driving it out of the driveway!  Have fun driving the Bug, Gail!  It is a super fun car!

One thing that has been really fun about preparing for this trip is purging a ton of stuff!  Aside from the two cars, we have used the opportunity to cut our stuffed animal collection in half, give away the two toddler beds to our pal Heidi from CVDS and weed out a ridiculous amount of clothes.  Any piece of clothing that isn’t going on the trip we know won’t fit the kids when we come back, so we might as well drop off at the Mercer Island Thrift Shop now! 🙂
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Taking the Beetle for one last spin early this morning before Gail picks it up!

Taking the Beetle for one last spin early this morning before Gail picks it up!

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  1. Cari Johnson / August 30, 2013 at 11:41 pm /

    I am officially very jealous of beautiful Gail in the perky Bug. She even color coordinated. Can I buy the Rambo truck please?

    • Lisa / August 31, 2013 at 4:39 pm /

      We wish we could sell it to you Cari because you would like dynamite in it, but, alas, we can not part with MEGAVAN 🙂 Would you settle for a minivan? 🙂

  2. Stephanie Craig / August 31, 2013 at 8:21 pm /

    Looking good Gail!

  3. Rita / September 4, 2013 at 5:37 pm /

    Go Gail! I’m so excited for a ride in the bug downtown! Yay it stays “in the family”

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