Book Club Continues

October 9, 2013 at 2:48 am  •  Posted in Book Club, Connecting, Education, Inspiration by

Finishing the Art of Happiness, we have now moved into a more somber and gloomy topic: the Holocaust. The book we were to read was Night by Elie Wiesel and additional ones that were optional to the reader were The Hiding Place and The Diary of Anne Frank. Though we read them a few weeks ago, the impact the book(s) made on us is still deeply engraved in our minds and hearts… and will be evermore.

Along with the books, we also watched the movie Schindler’s List that was in the perspective of the opposing side. We got to learn more about the Nazis and get a closer look into their minds which was very interesting yet also formidable.


During our discussion we talked a lot about the characteristics of the people who survived and what ones you would need to survive.

  • courage
  • determination
  • optimism, hope

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 When you really get down to it though, you notice that luck plays a very big role

Going back to the very first book you can see that a copious amount of the ideas and lessons the Dalai Lama exuded to us is very deeply displayed in the lives of many of the people during that time of great suffering. It shows that when you strip everything away all you really need is a good state of mind. Stay positive and look to the brighter side; learn to cherish the things you have. That was probably the coolest thing… noticing how all those books connected when they had such different affairs.

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  1. tuckeraufranc / October 15, 2013 at 5:20 pm /

    Facinating but tough reads. Your insight into this is, at least to me, spot on. Well written and thoughtful.

  2. JJ Jacobi / October 15, 2013 at 8:26 pm /


    You are beyond your years!!! You are a true gem!!! Great review !! :))
    Love JJ

    • Yve / October 20, 2013 at 10:31 am /

      Hi JJ!

      Thank you so much! Hope you are doing well 🙂

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