Bolinis Dancing [Balinese Dancing]

June 17, 2014 at 6:56 am  •  Posted in Art, Bali, Music by

In Boli we went to see bolinis dancing.  The dancing was so cool becaes the dancers wer like moving there eye in stoff.  They wer waring a very fancy sorons they also wer waring thise crowns that look like a pecocke.  Wen there dancing there dancing with a bascit of flower.   the dancing is only a faf an huor.

It is a little like flomigo dancing in Spain because every one has a serees fasee [serious face.]  But in flomigo dancing there’s a lot ov stomping and in balonis dancing they tap there tos vary cwitliy [quietly.]

They had really serious faces.

They had really serees fasees.


Here’s a video so you can hear the music too:



We got to meet the dancers at the end.

We got to meet the dancers at the end.

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We also got to see a traditional war dance from Palangkaraya, the capital of central Borneo.

We also got to see a traditional war dance from Palangkaraya, the capital of central Borneo.


They wore a lot of feathers and bright colors.

They wore a lot of feathers and bright colors.


This is a warrior doing the warrior dance.

This is a warrior doing the warrior dance.



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