Where are we going Tuck?
Summer’s almost over; days are getting shorter and the trip is getting closer. With only a month left till take off it’s as though I can actually feel...
General properties of pheromones: People who use it – you, your friends, your family, commander cialis http://raindogscine.com/?attachment_id=345...
One of the things that’s so cool about contemplating the “unconventional classroom” for a year, is thinking of all the things we can do with...
Photography has evolved a ton in the last 20 years and there are millions of cool new gadgets and technologies including super sophisticated,...
What do you pack for a year-long trip around the world with 5 kids? The quick answer is “as little as possible!”The simple truth is that you...
Although I would definitely prefer soaking up the sun in Zanzibar without the worry of an English essay or Social Studies project due tomorrow, I...
Several articles published in newspapers and online forums this week have reported a so-called increase in online generic cialis sales in the...
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