Biking To and From Mood Food in Yangshuo

May 15, 2014 at 6:16 am  •  Posted in China, Inspiration, Sports by

If you have read previous posts, you know that we went to Mood Food Energy Cafe EVERYDAY for lunch for a month!  But biking to Mood Food was the opposite of biking to Tai Chi.  Rather than enjoying the view and leisurely absorbing the scents and sounds, we spent our time pedaling and fearing for our lives…at least I did 🙂  It was an adrenaline rush with cars, trucks, motorcycles, other bikers, and several indescribable modes of transportation all flowing like a sea toward the center of town.  No stop lights, no police officers directing traffic, no yield signs.  Just people darting in every direction.  Yet, somehow, magically, no one ever collided.

Here is the video….again, not pro, but it gives you an idea of what biking in a small Chinese city is like.  I have to admit that, while it scared me to death, I loved every minute of it 🙂  Video credits go to Wescott and Jones for this one who tied my iPad with string to their bike basket 🙂


Advanced filming technologies were used in the making of this video :)

Advanced filming technologies were used in the making of this video 🙂

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Everybody on their bikes ready to head home after a great meal at Mood Food.

Everybody on their bikes ready to head home after a great meal at Mood Food.

Whizzing by in Yangshuo!

Whizzing by in Yangshuo!


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  1. Terry Aufranc / May 25, 2014 at 2:44 pm /

    I think I am seasick from watching

    • Lisa / May 28, 2014 at 4:43 pm /

      Hi Mom! You would have hated every minute of it…but you would love Yangshuo 🙂

  2. Gretchen Jones / May 25, 2014 at 11:34 pm /

    Love this post and those 2 seater bikes are awesome! So interesting to see all the different vehicles and pedestrians along this treacherous route too, from ladder and umbrella-toting scooter riders to buses, carts, and even wrong-way riders! So great that you guys recorded it all with a video. Nice work!

    • Lisa / May 28, 2014 at 4:43 pm /

      Hi Gretchen! Thanks for reading! Love hearing about all your adventures in Easter Island and Tahiti! xoxo, Lisa

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