Bamboo Rafting

April 6, 2014 at 4:34 pm  •  Posted in China, Nature, Sports by

We did bamboo rafting cuz dad wanted to do it befor he left so we did it.  We got on the raft. The driver was using a stick of bamboo for moving the raft. Then thar was a waterfall coming we all put our legs up wen we wer going down. Then thar was a nother waterfall and jones and mom got stuck.  Dad was also tacking pictures me wescott and otto did a club and named echother.  Then we got to see a forest.  That took a long time to get at the end.  Thar was a lot of cool trees then we went down some more waterfalls then we got off then we went to mood food.

Otto had his crutches on the raft!

Otto had his crutches on the raft!


We stopped and took this picture :)

We stopped and took this picture 🙂

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Mom and Jones made a video!

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  1. Cari Johnson / April 17, 2014 at 9:58 pm /

    Awesome! I wish I had done that raft as well. Tuck I miss you to the moon and back!

  2. Cliff Sharples / April 18, 2014 at 4:58 pm /

    nice post Tuck! And, I love the video ;-0

  3. Kaarina / April 19, 2014 at 7:43 am /

    That looks like a cool way to spend the day! Wish they had those on mercer island. Mate we should make one when you get back!

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