Balancing Stuff On Your Head

June 10, 2014 at 4:35 pm  •  Posted in Bali, Learnings by

PeopLE are reaLLY GoodAT BALANG stuFF oN thelr heaD they prActlcE practlce practice. i saw an lady balancing A huge Bag on her head in Morocco and in tanzaanla a lot of wowen weRe balancing buckets on thelr heads.  In bali thEy even BaLance Bricks and huge bags of rlce on thelr heads.  tuck and and i trled to do it but we Aren’t very good at It yet.

Kids in Tanzania balancing stuff on their head.

Kids in Tanzania balancing stuff on their head.


Nuns n Myanmar carrying their daily food on their heads.

Nuns n Myanmar carrying their daily food on their heads.

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During processions in Bali, everyone carries everything on their heads.

During processions in Bali, everyone carries everything on their heads.


A guy carrying hay on the Campuhan Ridge.

A guy carrying hay on the Campuhan Ridge.