baby chicks

December 13, 2013 at 3:04 am  •  Posted in animals, Morocco by

(IMAGE: Flamingo, Apricot and Scarface at the Riad)

Wen everyone went to the market Rasha got  baby chicks. We named them aporcot, scarface and flomingo.  Scarface dide. He droned in the water bole. Aporcot was OK in the ferst place and then she dide. The only chick we had left was flamingo. We are dropping flomingo off at a farm.

all the chicks at the market

All the chicks at the market!

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Otto and Apricot

Otto and Apricot

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  1. Jenn McIntire / December 13, 2013 at 4:22 am /

    How come they are such vibrant colors? Is it dye or natural?

  2. Cari Johnson / December 13, 2013 at 7:36 am /

    Hi Tuck. I am so sorry about Scarface and Aporcot. I love baby chicks. When I was your age my mom and dad brought home chicks at Easter. We named them Peep and RePeep. We were one big happy family until my little sister used RePeep as a foot stool. It didn’t make me very happy because this was the second time my sister used a pet as an elevation device. (Charlie Brown our first bunny suffered same fate as Tracy tried to peek in a window).

    I love my sister Tracy and I think that is why God made her so tall. Love to you and all your new family.

  3. Stephanie Craig (@steffinseattle) / December 15, 2013 at 9:56 pm /

    Mmm Tuck-arones, I’m sorry that those cute little fuzzy babies passed away. It’s sad when pets that you love move on. I’m glad you are dropping Flamingo off at a farm — Flamingo will love it!

    Guess what. . .I found a different Broccoli and Carrot while was shopping — seeing them reminded me of you and Jones. I took pictures of hem and sent them to mom. Have her show you her Instagram — missssssssssssing you! Keep posting. It makes me smile.

  4. Judith Dern / December 15, 2013 at 11:11 pm /

    Dear Tuck, find two stars in the sky and know your sweet baby chicks that died are safe there. They will always love you.

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