Archive for: June, 2013


Our Route Across the Globe

 •  June 27

Despite all the technology, web sites and apps associated with trip planning, sometimes a big wall-sized map of the world, a box of thumb tacks and...

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So Many Places, So Little Time

 •  June 26

Once you decide to put your life on hold and travel the world for a year, it feels like you could go anywhere… But in reality, the world is a REALLY...

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 •  June 23

“What are you guys doing about school with 5 kids while you travel around the world?” This is the topic that gets the most questions after the comment...

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What Are The Odds?! Or, Kindred Spirits

 •  June 20

Whether friends, family, colleagues or people we meet, the reaction to our adventure follows similar lines. Initially: “Wow, that’s awesome!”...

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HomeAway from Home

 •  June 13

Our family has a nickname: The Maximum Impact Family…  Whether it is the twin kindergarteners, the 10-year span from oldest to youngest, the gender...

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88 Days to Go: First Plane Tickets Booked!

 •  June 12

HUGE milestone… like it or not, we are leaving on September 9th, 2013! After doing a huge amount of research, getting quotes from a few travel agents...

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“I soon realized…

 •  June 12

“I soon realized that no journey carries one far unless, as it extends into the Time Period of Operations Both the medicines owing to similar...

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What’s A Gap Year, Anyway?

 •  June 12

Believe it or not, there is a group called the “American Gap Association.”  Here’s their official definition of a gap year: “A gap year is a...

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97 Days to Go: In Search of a Brand

 •  June 1

A lot of people ask us how we would even begin to go about preparing for a trip this long, with so many kids, and so many destinations. As two...

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