Family Book Club

August 2, 2013 at 3:40 am  •  Posted in Education, now by

One of the things that’s so cool about contemplating the “unconventional classroom” for a year, is thinking of all the things we can do with our kids that we wouldn’t possibly try to tackle during a typical school year.  A “family book club” is one of the cooler ideas we came up with!

What is a “family book club?” Quite simply, it is a list of books we are all going to read together.  Each person will be able to read the book with their own Kindle Reader and then we can discuss each book as part of our daily routine.  The twins are going to skip the book club and use Duck, Duck Moose apps while Wescott, Yve, Otto, Cliff and I participate.

I enlisted my sister, Kaarina, who is a high school English teacher to help us put together a book list that would be appropriate and fun for the whole family.  We tried to pick many different types of books…some classics, a few recently published titles, non-fiction, fiction, etc.  We deliberately picked some titles that thematically went with some of the places we are visiting.  Finally, we tried to pick books that not everyone had read, which is tough since Yve has read everything.

The next step was to see  if we could get the books on the Kindle.  By now it seems like every book SHOULD be available on the Kindle but there are still a lot that aren’t including classics like Catcher and the Rye…..oh well…scratch that one….

We have roughly 45 books in our booklist and downloaded on our Kindle readers.  We may use them all or we might come home having only read half.  We aren’t going to stress about it but I thought some of you might be interested in a random sample of a few of the titles..

  • 1984
  • Night
  • The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  • The Giver
  • Tuesdays with Morrie
  •  The World’s Strongest Librarian
  • The Color of Water
  • The Voices of Marrakesh
  • A Girl Called Problem
  • The Last Lecture
  • In Defense of Food

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For those of you who want to go crazy and see the whole list, feel free to “friend” me on Good Reads ( and check out my “to-read” list.  My profile name is: Misopiso.

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  1. Kaarina / August 2, 2013 at 4:39 am /

    The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver is also a cool choice. Add to “the list”! I love the books you have already chosen. Great stuff! Definitely blog about book discussions.

    • Lisa / August 3, 2013 at 4:40 pm /

      Adding it!!! Thanks K!

  2. Cari Johnson / August 2, 2013 at 7:46 pm /

    I recommend that you visit the site Small Demons, is a site dedicated to filtering information from books and providing connections between stories using places, people, brands, works of art, and even drinks that are mentioned within the stories. You can enter any place, person, etc and find books that reference it. For example, if you type in Barcelona you get 302 books that have Barcelona as part of the story.

    • Lisa / August 3, 2013 at 4:38 pm /

      I am totally checking that out! Thanks Cari!!!

  3. Chris Englin / August 4, 2013 at 7:31 pm /

    What a great idea! I love your list. I love many of these books and will read some of the new titles you have here. Our book club read The Color of Water and its a great addition.

  4. Natalie / August 9, 2013 at 1:09 pm /

    This is a fantastic idea!!

  5. Megan Hand / August 11, 2013 at 4:07 pm /

    Thought you might like to see Cooper’s reading list for University Prep.

    Would love to have Otto participate in our Guys Read book group virtually too if he is up for it while you guys are away. Have a blast!

    • Lisa / August 12, 2013 at 7:55 pm /

      This is awesome Megan! I actually really wanted to read “A Girl Named Problem” but they don’t have it for Kindle 🙁 Might have to buy the paper version because it looks so good! Thanks so much for sending!

  6. Colette / August 23, 2013 at 4:07 pm /

    I love this idea. Might just read along with you…

    • Lisa / August 24, 2013 at 1:23 am /

      We would love that Colada!

  7. Pingback: Book Club Begins! | Project Equator

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